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Who all so?The tone that listens to her is like her private meeting qing person's place here.
Drive the west plum Er this mustang be like one regiment very hot fire sort crowded in oneself's bosom, the double arm tightly ties up neck, Zhang Zhe's jing absolute being starts breakup, below is also a burst of and violent to jump about.
Only two people's face inch allows and then is good enough to match together.The xiong has already tightly stuck, each other can feel the heart palpitates frequency of the other party, can even feel the other party body ti variety.The lower abdomen of the west plum Er drive the crest write, not from say with smile:"Is dear, you felt attracted."
"Yes, you are this bewitching jing, I already own beyond control thinking, you are playing with fire!"Zhang Zhe Yi hand from her waist slide, pretty raise at her of pi up ruthlessly kneaded two times, still strong endure.
"I like to play with fire."The west plum Er suddenly smiled and had no omen of stuck red and very gorgeous lips to come up.The mouth done not take precautions against at Zhang Zhe up put out strength to absorb to grant.
Zhang Zhe's mood falls low very much, seeming oneself is an accompanying guest's duck, at bear with a women trample upon to he or she, even if this is a beautiful woman, because what she expressed is pre-eminent, let Zhang Zhe pretty much dislike, some a good many of a woman is still a gentleness.
Heavily push away her, Zhang Zhe retreated an one step, cold track:"I like Li Lou Sha that kind of woman, even if need very much,can't obtain on one's own initiative!"
"Your pouring is the guy that a has much of greed, however I really appreciate you, I naturally like an insolently ambitious man.Being like a basinet knight is knight's gift of your standard to wake the yu in my body up to hope!"The west plum Er has no to have scruples about of say.
"For resisting you, I increased my endurance dint, seeing to you has to disappoint."Words say so, can Zhang Zhe still control don't live endocentric rashness to move.
"Like, dear of, let us sit down to have a chat well, I admit from have been very passionate, but isn't what everybody can ride in my body, they have to have enough capital and tell me, what is your approaching my purpose ?"The west plum Er in a twinkling seemed to become a person, the smiling face on the face has been already disappeared, the look in the eyes seems to be snake to stare at Zhang Zhe.
Draw back distance, Zhang Zhe also just a little loosenned tone and sat down on the sofa, didn't know to put on a cup of table much long-term coffee infuses into a belly, few ice-cold sting ji his intelligent resumes some, also see this woman not deal with, although she had a liking for Li Lou Sha who compare"sanctity" to differ a lot, in fact this is just one of her dissimulation, this chemisette scheming affirmative enough deep.
"Did not seeing to Sir Ou Ji Mu have the wish fulfilled?"Zhang Zhe pays no attention to guess.
"Certainly, being like Ji Mu in Europe this kind of man is don't easily control of that kind of, let he easily the thing that gets his wants, he can't know to cherish, each one interested in men in mes because I am too rich, and you?It is dear."Although call warmly, can her voice icy cold abnormality.
"If is incognizant before I say you, your affirmation can't believe, so I admit, similar to owner, I also really like money."Zhang Zhe didn't answer a question face to face, however this has already been getting ofer no account, because the west plum Er has already affirmed that Zhang Zhe is trying to approach himself/herself unilaterally, and for the sake of her astonishing wealth.
So she accepted Zhang Zhe's this explanation, satisfaction of order:"You are honest, I like a honest man."
Being probably horary relation is an again likely to be function that that cup coffee has,cheap beats by dre, in short Zhang Zhe has already had no that kind of the control doesn't live of impulse, the thinking is also gradual clear, he wants to do now of be put tuo, this woman quickly, hence the topic involuntarily falls on her man.
"The west plum Er madam, how does your husband's dog grow a Sir not to live here?"
"Yes, we are from bed and board at ordinary times, we to each other of uninterested, he is a greedy a slave to money, money that thinks how to get me, even if occasionally he comes to interest, also basically full zu not I.Is dear, your only a kind of method can on me the advantage that acquires your want."The west plum Er look like a yu beg dissatisfied hatred Fu, the topic is again turned Zhang Zhe Shen by her.
Zhang Zhe lightly sighs 1:"You in brief said what what this only path points is."
"You English Wei sun the outward appearance just was full of wise manner of speaking and worked properly the brains of tactful, and uncommonly overcame dint to the mei color and all made me feeling satisfied, more key 1:00, you are young and vibrant, frankly said, I hoped you to do my qing person, however ……"
"I am listenning to, you please continue."Zhang Zhe smile don't smile of looking at her, feel she already considers as correct to develop extreme achievement.
"You express a good accomplishment and out of accordance with age of cool-headed generosity of spirit, outstanding such as Ji Mu man like this of Europe at hear I agree when he is my qing person concussion of kneel on the ground to kiss my feet, but you be not, probably just a kind of camouflage, but at least you successful.
If ……we only have love fate, I will give you some money and let you feel full zu.Certainly, we once becoming a long-last qing person to relate to, you can share the whole resourceses in the my hand, but this want to see you of express, because your young, I just give you this opportunity, I am a conservative woman, I rather enjoy the consolation of of same sex, also can't white white cheap your man, include Ji Mu in Europe at inside, he also can in my calf as follows lead lead dry concealed, can not more the boundary half tread, because I know where my value is."
"That I be not be honored very much?I acquired the precious opportunity that an individual person can not acquire at least."Zhang Zhe peculiarly looking at her, don't understand her whether canning not getting full zu for long time, but suppressing is crazy, incredibly say these to oneself, oneself be like that kind of very much to exclusively hang up chemisette small white face?
The west plum Er but have no idea Zhang Zhe's facial expression, still keep seriously saying:"Shoot my soft rib because you are first meeting yes, never such a men give me felling like this, so I break rules this opportunity to you and is also regarded as 1 kind to your repay."
"Enough, I miss our some misunderstandingses, I don't think a women of quilt trample in the foot."Zhang Zhe's station starts and trembled to tremble own clothes, gesticulating will leave here.
"I see you just enough!"The west plum Er followed to indignantly stand, sneer way:"I since gave you this opportunity, you have no necessity again camouflage the bottom go, that not only cans not gets any advantage, on the contrary will make me despise you!"
Zhang Zhe's hands spread, sorry way:"Many thanks to good care of the madam to me, however I have no interest to small white face this kind of work, if the madam doesn't have other affairs, I took leave."Finish saying, he twists a head to walk, there is no one reluctanting to part with of silk ten cents, joke, main his this future everyone still differ a woman?As for betray his/her own dignity for the sake of a little money?
Don't say Zhang Zhe basically not concerned money, even if he really lacks money, he will go to Zheng and rob and anyway can't degenerate to want to do, either the small white face makes money this road.
Looking at a Zhang Zhe overbearing figure, the west plum Er has no other mean, just the corner of mouth has one silk Ji Feng, pack!I see you continuing to pack.Wait you when cannot pack, the old Niang doesn't trample you injured all over the body!

Text 264 chapters Be special to perform!
Renew time:2010-5-232:45:01 chapter word numbers:8703

The room that comes out the west plum Er, mo the mo is some cheekses of aridities, Zhang Zhe not from wry smile, looking own the role tonight is small white face, make people very unwilling to shout.
Zhang Zhe's intelligent has already completely resumed at this time, the facial features feels the quick gan is also many, walk several step, ear suddenly spread to know know the voice of Suo Suo, listen to up seem the clothes rub send out of, there are some doubts in the in the mind, speed a step.
Just turning is curved, see a Fu of figure sneaky that wore month white evening dress at a Related articles:

